First-Level Master in Opera Direction
A specialization program dedicated to the profession of directors in the field of opera and musical theatre
First-Level Master in Opera Direction recognized by the Italian Ministry of University and Research - AFAM
The program aims to develop in students an awareness of creative and production processes, as well as the acquisition of specific tools in the field of opera and musical theatre direction. This is achieved through an educational curriculum that includes theoretical lessons, individual practical exercises, guest lectures, and a series of meetings with internationally renowned artistic, technical, and managerial figures.
The study cycle concludes with internship periods and assistantships at theatres and festivals—both in Italy and abroad—partnered with the Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi. Additionally, students will engage in practical exercises and public presentations of their work.
Course Coordinator – Marco Plini
Artistic Design and Consultancy – Stefano Simone Pintor and Fred Santambrogio, in collaboration with Tatiana Olear
Course Board – Barbara Minghetti, Davide Montagna, Andrea Mormina, Tatiana Olear, Stefano Simone Pintor, Marco Plini, Diego Ronzio, Fred Santambrogio
Applications open: Monday, February 17, 2025
Course Description
The First-Level Master in Opera Direction is designed for students who wish to acquire or deepen their skills in opera direction and musical theatre. The program is structured to develop students' awareness of creative and production processes, as well as the acquisition of specialized tools for opera direction.
The Master’s program combines theoretical and practical approaches, fostering an investigative, questioning, and creative attitude toward opera direction. Rooted in the historical and cultural origins of opera, the program aims to train directors with a contemporary and innovative approach to musical theatre.
Beyond classroom instruction, the program includes individual practical exercises, guest lectures, and meetings with professionals from the opera sector, as well as internships and assistantships at Italian and international theatres and festivals affiliated with the Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi.
Why This Program?
For years, the Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi has been meeting the demands of the opera production system, producing highly skilled graduates who have gained recognition from Italian and international opera institutions and professionals. Many of these graduates have become award-winning directors or assistant directors employed in major opera houses and symphonic foundations.
Our alumni include renowned directors such as Damiano Michieletto, Leo Muscato, Serena Sinigaglia, Francesco Micheli, Federico Grazzini, Nicola Berloffa, Marina Bianchi, Manuel Renga, Daniele Menghini, Fabio Cherstich, Marco Monzini, Petra Deidda, Lorenzo Ponte, Stefano Simone Pintor, and many more.
These results stem from the school’s high-quality teaching standards, its interdisciplinary approach, and its continuous drive for innovation.
In response to the growing demand for employment in musical theatre, the Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi has designed a new educational pathway focused entirely on opera direction.
Starting in 2025, the Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi will expand its academic offerings with the launch of the first Italian AFAM-recognized Master in Opera Direction, developed within a Drama Academy framework.
Educational Objectives
The First-Level Master in Opera Direction is designed to develop the artistic identity of each student, fostering an analytical, creative, and innovative approach to opera direction. The program aims to nurture talent in a dynamic and stimulating environment.
The course includes the study of:
a) Production, organizational, and legislative processes involved in staging opera and musical theatre productions.
b) Basic music theory, including analysis of librettos and scores.
c) History of opera, musical theatre, and opera direction in its various forms and styles.
d) Techniques for directing singers, choirs, actors, dancers, and stage ensembles.
e) Dynamics and relationships between artists and technical staff.
f) Stage management, safety regulations, rehearsal planning, and performance coordination.
g) Assistant direction techniques for both original productions and revivals.
h) Stage production techniques, including scenography, costume design, and lighting design.
i) Basic skills in audio, video, and new media technologies for theatre and multimedia productions.
j) Fundamental theatre terminology in Italian and English.
Admission Requirements
Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent first-level academic diploma in theatre, arts, or music.
Candidates without a degree in an artistic field must provide a proven artistic and theatrical background along with a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline.
Application Process
- Applications open: Monday, February 17, 2025
- Deadline: Monday, May 5, 2025 (by midnight)
The admission exam consists of two phases:
- Submission of a directing project (pre-selection).
- Oral interview (final selection).
For detailed admission procedures, please refer to the official admission announcement.
Minimum and Maximum Enrollment
The Fondazione Milano - Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi reserves the right to start the course only if at least 15 participants are enrolled.
The maximum number of students will be 18, as determined by the examining commission, ensuring the highest quality of education.
Academic Calendar
- Duration: June 2025 – June 2026 (1,500 hours in total)
- Theoretical phase: June – September 2025 (395 hours of classes)
- Practical phase: September – October 2025 (655 hours of supervised practice)
- Exams: July – October 2025
- Internship: August 2025 – June 2026 (250 hours with partner institutions)
- Final project: By June 2026 (200 hours)
Teaching Structure
The First-Level Master in Opera Direction is structured into four phases.
Phase One: Theoretical Training and Fundamental Practical Disciplines
The first part of the program focuses on theoretical education, historical and cultural insights, and fundamental practical disciplines, including:
- Music Reading and Solfeggio – Andrea Mormina: Basic knowledge of score reading and opera notation, use of the vocal-piano score as a tool to support the work of directors and assistant directors.
- Text Analysis – Tatiana Olear: Critical skills and tools for analyzing an opera libretto in its dramaturgical and poetic structure.
- History of Musical Theatre – Franco Pulcini: An overview of musical theatre and opera history, from its origins to the present day.
- History of Opera Direction – Gerardo Guccini: The evolution of opera direction over the centuries, with a special focus on contemporary directing approaches and their diverse perspectives.
- Choreography Elements – Davide Montagna: A basic theoretical and practical course on movement and choreography.
Phase Two: Specialized Disciplines and Practical Workshops
The second phase deepens core subjects and introduces the first practical and creative laboratory experiences, through the following modules:
- Opera Directing Planning – Marco Plini: Development of an opera directing plan, from conception to execution.
- Movement and Stage Action Composition – Stefano Simone Pintor: Exploration of directing techniques for soloists and ensembles. Includes practical exercises with singers.
- Opera Direction – Fred Santambrogio: A focus on the technical and artistic aspects of opera direction, including stage regulations, relationships between departments, rehearsal planning, and assistant director duties. Meetings with conductors, stage managers, and other opera professionals are included.
- Lighting Theory and Techniques – Marco Filibeck: Light as a dramaturgical and visual element; basic knowledge of modern lighting technologies for theatre.
- Sound Technologies – Alvise Vidolin: Focus on sound design and emerging audio techniques in live musical performances.
- New Media for Scenic Design – Diego Ronzio: Tools for the visual creation of an opera using the latest video and multimedia technologies.
- Project Management for Performing Arts – Barbara Minghetti: Organization and operational structure of opera institutions and festivals.
Phase Three: Internships and Industry Experience
The third phase includes internships and training experiences at partner institutions, with a total duration of 250 hours.
Throughout the entire program, students will attend extracurricular meetings and guest lectures with renowned directors and industry professionals. Additionally, guided tours of opera house technical departments will be organized, along with opportunities to observe directing and musical rehearsals.
Phase Four: Final Examination Preparation
The fourth and final phase consists of preparing for the final assessment, as described in the following section.
Degree Awarded
First-Level Master in Opera Direction, officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of University and Research - AFAM.
Career Opportunities
The Master’s program prepares students for careers in:
a) Opera and musical theatre productions as directors, assistant directors, dramaturgs, or production staff in opera houses and festivals worldwide.
b) Film, television, radio, and live events requiring directional expertise for singers and musicians.
c) Educational and social musical theatre workshops.
d) Teaching and collaborations with universities, academies, and cultural institutions.
e) Consulting or artistic direction roles in opera houses and musical theatre festivals.
Final Assessment
Students must complete six exams throughout the course.
Theoretical subjects: oral or written exams.
Practical subjects: project presentations or work demonstrations.
Final Project: an original directing project.
Presentation of a staged opera excerpt from the project.
Tuition Fees
Total cost: €6,270, payable in two installments:
€3,270 by May 21, 2025
€3,000 by July 31, 2025
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